Saturday, December 12, 2009

Taking Loved Ones For Granted

Taking loved ones for granted

Our loved ones are normally the most precious gifts of our lives.

The older we get, the more of these wonderful people we loose...and the more we find ourselves regretting that we were too busy to call, write, or to go see them. We may also regret that we did not tell them often enough how special they were to us. This unfortunate and common oversight is an all-to-easy thing to do.

Of course we are often very busy. But we and our loved ones will not be together forever. This is an unpleasant thought and so we have a tendency not to think about it. Therefore, we tend not to be as motivated to express our love for each other as often as someday we will wish we did.

We can avoid being sorry that we did not spend quality time with our loved ones when they are going or gone---or when we "are going or gone"! ;-)

I recommend that we do the best we reasonably
can to let our special people (parents, grandparents, spouses, children, or other relatives and Friends) know how much we care for them and how very special they are to us.

Many years ago I was a consultant at a residential center for developmentally impaired children. One of the many wonderful direct-care staff I worked with was a short, heavy-set woman who was called by her last name (the common practice there). Diggins was a very jolly, and outspoken woman who loved the children she cared for. She was also very loving and kind to all of us who worked with her.

Diggins would sometimes laugh loudly and sing-out: "Give me my flowers now! Don't be wait'in till I'm gone!"

Do this for your loved ones and everyone will be happier, both now and in the future.

God Bless,

Dr. Tom

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