Monday, February 1, 2010

We Had Better Teach Manners!

Once families, churches, communities and schools once commonly, worked in concert, to teach our children manners (civil behavior, morals and ethics).

Now, many of our families struggle to teach these manners to their children all by themselves. Our public schools have largely abandoned the teaching of morals. The media (which has become more the community for our children) is largely dedicated to immoral behavior. The only outside assistance for parents who struggle against the tide of social corruption, pumped from seemingly everywhere to their children, is the church. But this important aid is only available to those who significantly involve themselves their children in these specialized communities. Unfortunately, significant involvement in our churches has been in decline.

After decades of these trends, it is very hard for parents who never learned manners to teach them to their children.

In all of this, our Nation appears is in serious trouble.

Samuel Adams once expressed his grave concerns about a society without manners .

The following is from Founders Quote Daily, by the PatriotPost U.S.


“[N]either the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.” –Samuel Adams, essay in The Public Advertiser, 1749

Dr. Tom, 2/1/2010

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